I am regularly invited to talk about my research interests, as well as the way we are teaching software engineering with colleagues. This page is a non exausthive list of the talks and tutorial I gave since 2011. It does not list presentations of papers made during conferences (see Publications).
- From Software Composition at Scale to Scaling software composition: 50 shades of scalability, Consortium for Software Engineering Research (CSER) 2022 Spring Meeting. May 2022. PDF
- Applying Software Composition to the Docker Ecosystem (with B. Benni), Amadeus Global Tech Forum. Oct. 2018.
- Renforcer l’engagement étudiant en projet. Journées sur la pédagogie active, Université Bretagne-Loire. Keynote. July 2017.
- Projets, Agilité & École d’Ingénieur. Journées sur l’Innovation Pédagogique, Université du Maine. Keynote. Mar. 2017.
- Modelling Justification Diagrams using jPipe. In ACM / IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2024). Linz, Austria.
- Modern Teaching of Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis. Sébastien Mosser, and Jean-Michel Bruel. In 32nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering 2024 conference, Reijkavik, Iceland.
- Requirements Engineering in the DevOps Era. Sébastien Mosser, and Jean-Michel Bruel. In 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2021, Notre Dame, IN, USA, September 20-24, 2021 IEEE.
- Reconciling Requirements and Continuous Integration in an Agile Context. Sébastien Mosser, and Jean-Michel Bruel. In 26th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2018, Banff, AB, Canada, August 20-24, 2018 IEEE Computer Society.
Invited Talks
- Software Engineering and Natural Language Processing: What Can Go Wrong? CRIM Seminars, Montreal, November 2024.
- Modelling justification diagrams using jPipe (with N. Chaudhari). The MDE Network, June. 2024
- From Zero to VS Code: A Framework Approach to Language Support (with A. Lachance). The MDE Network, October. 2023
- Developing a modular language server to support P4 developers. open source developer days. (recording), September 2023.
- Teaching Modelling, Modelling Teaching. The MDE Network, Mar. 2023.
- Dockerizing your Teaching: Do’s and Don’ts. The MDE Network, Mar. 2022
- Software Composition in a Cyber-Physical World. Canada-Norway collaboration, Østfold College, Mar 2022.
- Génie Logiciel pour la Population Vieillissante. La France à l’UQAM, Feb. 2022.
- Software Composition for the IoT & Cloud. Canada Border Services Agency (PD&DD, BTID), Dec. 2021.
- Justification Diagrams in a DevOps Context. Model-driven Engineering & Requirements Engineering working groups, CNRS. Dec. 2021.
- Building a CI/CD pipeline (demo). Association Générale des Étudiantes et Étudiants en Informatique de l’UQAM (Invited seminar). Dec. 2021.
- User stories & Acceptance Testing. Canada Border Services Agency (PD&DD, BTID), Nov. 2021.
- Building Software for the Ageing Population: A Software Engineering Point of View. Smart Mobility for the ageing Population (sMAP) research seminar, Canada. Oct. 2021.
- Docker in a CI/CD context. Canada Border Services Agency (PD&DD, BTID), Oct. 2021.
- Anaximander, a lightweight approach to support software exploration. Working group on software adaptation (YODA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Feb. 2021.
- Using a project-based approach to support Software Engineering teaching. LATECE seminar, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. Feb. 2020.
- How can models help data scientists? Lessons learned from an undercover agent. 2nd Winter Modelling Meeting. San Vigilo de Marrebe, Italy. Feb. 2020.
- Software Composition in a Cyber-Physical World. Ptidej Research Seminar, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. Dec. 2019.
- Who’s afraid of the Big
Bad WolfMerge Conflict?. Séminaire LATECE, Montréal, Canada. Apr. 2019. - Need for formal methods when composing software. Journée Vérification Légère, CNRS, Grenoble, France, Dec. 2018.
- Les aspects génie logiciel pour les Systèmes Cyber-Physique. Journées IIoT du GDR MACS, CNRS, France, July 2018.
- Lightweight (Meta-)Modelling: MDD? We’re doing it wrong!. 1st Winter Modelling Meeting. San Vigilo de Marrebe, Italy. Jan. 2018.
- Informatisation orientée processus métiers (illustration par BPMN). Journées du Développement Logiciel (JDEV, continuous training for CNRS engineers), Jul 2017.
- Domain-specific languages: Projectional edition. Journées Ingénierie des Modèles, CNRS, Toulouse, France, Dec. 2015.
- Software Variability and Composition for Cyber-Physical Systems. MODALIS seminar, Nice, France, Sep. 2015.
- MDD: Model-driven disillusions. SINTEF IKT seminar, Oslo, Norway, Dec. 2013.
- Using Feature Model to build Model Transformation Chains (with V. Aranega and A. Etien). In Journées 2013 du GDR GPL, CNRS, France, Mar. 2013.
- Une approche orientée aspect allant du modèle d’exigences au modèle de conception (with G. Mussbacher, M. Blay-Fornarino, and D. Amyot). In Journées du GDR GPL, pages 37–38, Lille, France, June 2011.
Invited Lectures
- Lessons Learned from An Architecture Recovery Project. M.Sc. in Software Engineering - Software Maintenance guest lecture, Université Côte d’Azur, France. Dec. 2024.
- From Zero to API Hero: Crafting the Perfect Product with Micro-Services. Bachelor in Software Engineering, North Carolina State University, October 2024.
- Lessons Learned from An Architecture Recovery Project. M.Sc. in Software Engineering - Software Maintenance guest lecture, Université Côte d’Azur, France. Dec. 2023.
- Software Visualization for Architecture Recovery. M.Sc. in Software Engineering - Software Maintenance guest lecture, Université Côte d’Azur, France. Dec. 2022.
- A large-Scale study of Programming Language and Code Quality in Github. M.Sc. in Software Engineering - Software Maintenance guest lecture, Université Côte d’Azur, France. Jan. 2022.
- RELAI: Where DevOps meets Mental (e-)Health. M.Sc. in Software Engineering - Cloud Computing guest lecture, Université Côte d’Azur, France. Oct. 2021.
- Building JUnit: a Software design case study. Master ICE guest lecture, University of Toulouse, France. May 2021.
- Mutation Testing, under the hood. Undergrad guest lecture - Software Testing, McMaster University, Mar 2021.
- Hands-on business process modelling, Journées du Développement Logiciel (JDEV, continuous training for CNRS engineers), Jul 2017.
- Acceptance Testing in an Agile context: the Birdie-birdie serious game, Journées du Développement Logiciel (JDEV, continuous training for CNRS engineers), Jul 2017.
- Domain-Specific Languages, École des Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation (EJCP, French national summer school in software engineering), Jun 2017.
- Domain-Specific Languages: Why, and Howto, École des Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation (EJCP, French national summer school in software engineering), Jun 2016.
Hiring Talks
- McMaster University (Canada, English)
- Job Talk: Towards Scalable Software Composition (45 minutes)
- Lecture: Mutation testing, under the hood (guest lecture, 1h), GitHub repository
- Application Material: Application File (research statement, teaching statement & EDI statement)
- Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM, Canada, French)
- Job Talk: Composition Logicielle & Passage à l’échelle (45 minutes)
- Lecture: Qualité Logicielle: Test par Propriétés (simulation, 15 minutes)
- Application Material: Dossier de candidature (CV, intention de recherche, intention d’enseignement)
- Université Côte d’Azur (UCA, France, French)
- Audition: Poste MC27 0905 - Génie Logiciel (20 minutes)
- Application Material: Dossier de candidature (aka CV étendu), Qualification aux fonctions de maitre de Conférences